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Four Aces

Remove the 4 Aces from the deck.
Place the aces on the table face-up.
Deal the top 3 cards face-down next to each other.
Place a total of 14 cards the first stack, a total of 15 cards on the second and third stacks.
Place the remaining 4 cards face-down next to the last stack.

Put one of the Aces face-down on top of the first stack.

Shuffle the second stack.
Place as many cards as you want from the second stack and place them face-down on top of the Ace on the first stack.

Put another Ace face-down on top of the second stack.

Shuffle the third stack.
Place as many cards as you want from the third stack and place them face-down on top of the Ace on the second stack.

Put another Ace face-down on top of the third stack.

Shuffle the fourth stack. (It has only 4 cards in it)
Place all these cards on the third stack
You now have 3 stacks of cards.

Pick up the third stack, place it on top of the second stack, then put both of those on top of the first stack. 

`To find the Aces, do this :

Pick up the deck and then deal two cards face-down next to each other. 

Deal the next card face-down on top of the first card on the table.
Deal the next card face-down onto the second card on the table.
Deal alternately all the cards.

Pick up the first stack.
Make two piles by alternately dealing all the cards.

Pick up the second stack.
Make two piles by alternately dealing all the cards.

Pick up the second stack.
Make two piles by alternately dealing all the cards.

You now have two stacks having each 3 cards.

Flip over the cards of the second stack.


PS : Find more card tricks here

Brain Teaser Playing Cards 

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