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The Four Quadrant Note Taking Method
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The Four Quadrant Note Taking Method

The four-quadrant note-taking method, combined with the use of depth and complexity icons, can be a powerful strategy for organizing information.
Each quadrant focuses on different aspects of understanding, ranging from big ideas and patterns to specific details.
Let's explore each quadrant with examples and then discuss the collaborative process.

Quadrant 1: Big Ideas
Depth Icon: Big Idea 
This quadrant is reserved for overarching concepts and fundamental principles.
It's about capturing the main themes or essential concepts related to the topic.

   Example: For a historical event, the big ideas could include the underlying causes, major consequences, and the impact on society.

Quadrant 2: Patterns/Rules
Depth Icon: Patterns 
This quadrant involves identifying recurring patterns, trends, or rules associated with the subject matter.
It delves into the relationships between different elements.

   Example: In a scientific experiment, patterns may involve identifying trends in data, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, or recognizing recurring phenomena.

Quadrant 3: Details
Depth Icon: Details 
Here, the focus is on specific pieces of information or details that contribute to a comprehensive understanding.
It's about capturing the nuances and intricacies.

   Example: In a literary analysis, details could include specific quotes, character actions, or symbolic elements that contribute to the overall theme.

Quadrant 4: Language of the Discipline
Depth Icon: Language of the Discipline
This quadrant involves using the specialized vocabulary or language associated with the subject.
It's about capturing the terminology and expressions unique to the discipline.

   Example: In a mathematical problem, this quadrant might include the specific formulas, equations, and mathematical notations relevant to the problem.

Collaborative Process
1. Individual Idea Generation (5 mins):
Each group member takes five minutes to jot down their ideas in each quadrant.
They focus on contributing unique insights and perspectives.

2. Group Sharing (5 mins):
Members share their individual ideas with the group.
During this phase, they listen actively, ask clarifying questions, and seek to understand and integrate each other's contributions.

3. Collaborative Idea Generation (10 mins):
The group comes together to fill in any gaps or enhance the existing ideas.
They discuss overlaps, contradictions, or areas where more information is needed.

4. Finalization (5 mins):
The group summarizes the key points in each quadrant, ensuring that they have a well-rounded set of notes that cover big ideas, patterns/rules, details, and the language of the discipline.

By following this collaborative process, the group benefits from diverse perspectives, deeper insights, and a more comprehensive set of notes.
The depth and complexity icons serve as a guide for ensuring a holistic understanding of the topic.

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