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Cool Ties
A natural and simple way to stay cool!
100% pre-washed cotton      Non-toxic      Re-usable
Safe for children and pets
Great for hot summer days, hot flashes, sporting events and activities, golf, gym workouts, gardening, outdoor work
 ANY indoor or outdoor activity when you need to cool down.

cool tie  cool tie  cool tie
Available in a variety of colours and patterns
$7.00 each or three for $18.00 (+ SH)
Click here to order.

Care And Use
To hydrate:
Simply soak in water for about 30 to 60 minutes to activate the crystals or until desired size.
The casing should be plump after soaking but not oozing.
Soaking the crystals too long may force the gel through the fabric as it continues to expand, making the fabric feel slimy.

Tie will keep you cool for many hours. To keep tie feeling cool, pour a bit of cold water on it or turn it on its other side against your neck or expose it to the air for few seconds.

How it works:
The crystals that have soaked in lots of water, use your body heat to evaporate the water.
The cooler eventually returns to crystals when all the water has evaporated.

After wear, simply store in refrigerator in an OPEN container if you plan to re-use it in the near future.
Do not fill container with water.
To rehydrate, simply place under running water or soak in water for a few minutes - only as long as needed.

Can be re-used hundreds of times!
When not in use for a long period of time, dehydrate tie completely until totally dry and store in cupboard or drawer.
DO NOT store cool tie in a plastic bag or container when wet.

Tie will develop a musty smell if stored in a closed plastic bag or container when wet.

To clean:
Hand wash gently in soapy water. Squeeze  dry. Lay flat to dry in a well ventilated area.
It is preferable to lay tie on a surface which allows for air to circulate under the tie as well as on top of it, for example, a wire rack or wire shelf. 
Tie will take 2-3 days to dry depending on ventilation. You can lay it out in the sun to give it a fresh smell.

If tie has developed a musty smell you can try soaking it in vinegar for a few minutes and then rinsing it in cold water but you will probably need to get a new one.

DO NOT leave in water longer than necessary.
DO NOT freeze.
Although all the cool ties have been pre-washed, certain colors may bleed slightly on collar of white or light-colored clothing.If you notice a discoloration in the water, this is probably a good indication that it would bleed on light-colored clothing .
Suggestion: Wear with same colored or darker colored clothing.

When wearing a sports glove, for example a golf glove or bike gloves,  do not handle with the gloves as the coton will absorb the smell of the gloves.