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Sports Trivia
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Sports Trivia Winner

Which indoor sport is the most popular in the USA?
Answer: Basketball

What is the sport in which you could get into a headlock?
Answer: Wrestling, MMA

Which is the sport where you could be out "leg before wicket", or "hit a six"?
Answer: Cricket

Which is the sport wherein you would use a "sand iron"?
Answer: Golf

What is the most popular sport throughout the world?
Answer: Soccer

What sport used the term "home run" long before baseball?
Answer: Cricket

What sport is the FIFA responsible for?
Answer: Soccer

What sport uses pins?
Answer: Bowling

Which PGA golf player's mother is from Thailand?
Answer: Tiger Woods

In which country was golf first played?
Answer: Scotland

When did baseball originate in the US?
Answer: 19th century

Which colours are the five Olympic rings?
Answer: Red, blue, yellow, green and black

How many holes are there in a standard ten pin bowling ball?   
Answer: 3

How many pockets does a snooker table have?
Answer: 6

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