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Haunted House

Haunted house

The local Spook Fest is creating a haunted house for Halloween.
The house will contain a series of hallways connecting six main chambers.
Six children Avril, Torrie, Sammy, Louise, Rheanna and Bobby decide to test their bravery by entering the house together.

- The Zombie was three rooms after the room that Bobby thought was the scariest.
- Chuckie was in a room waiting for children.
- Pin Head was in the chamber that the children entered just before the room that Torrie thought was the scariest.
- Leather Face was three rooms before the room that Sammy thought was the scariest.
-  Jeepers Creepers awaited the children in the fourth room.
-  Louise thought that the third room was the scariest,
- The room with Dracula was sometime after the room that Rheanna thought was the scariest.

Can you identify the number of the room and the monster in each chamber that scared each child?

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