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stock market

Delphine Investments is a successful investment firm that is continually investing in the stock market.
One year ago, Delphine Investments purchased one hundred shares with five different companies, each at a different purchasing price.

The companies were:
The purchasing prices were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 dollars.

After one year, three stocks had increased by 5, 25 and 45 percent.
Unfortunately, two stocks had decreased by 15 and 35 percent.

1.The stock that Delphine Investments purchased for ten dollars isn't the one that lost 15%.
2. WMT (which Delphine Investments did not  purchase for thirty dollars) and the fifty dollar stock both lost money.
3. GOOG increased by five percent.
4. The twenty dollar stock (which was not TWX) increased by 45%
5. Delphine Investments bought IBM at forty dollars.

Question :
Can you tell me how much each stock was worth when Delphine Investments purchased it, and the percentage by which each changed over the course of the year?

See answer

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