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The Great North


Lewis, Donald, André, Rolly and  Côme love photography.
They visit Moonbeam, Harty, Oposatika, Strickland and Mattice.
They take 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 photos.
Their profession is: lawyer, painter, artist, instructor and photographer.

- The person who went to Harty is not Côme and is not a painter.

- The person who stayed in Oposatika is not André, nor Rolly, nor Côme and did not take 200, 250 or 350 photos and is not a lawyer, an artist or an instructor.
- Rolly is not a lawyer and did not take 250 photos.
- Donald is not a painter.
- Lewis took 300 photos in Strickland but is not a lawyer, an instructor or a painter.
- Rolly is the instructor.

Question: How many photos did they take and what is their profession?

See answer

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