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Fish Story
Thanks Einstein

Answer: The German

Let's use the given information to deduce the solution step by step: The Norwegian lives in the first house. 
The green house is to the left of the white house, and the person in the green house drinks coffee. 
The person who smokes Players raises birds. 
The man living in the house in the middle drinks milk. 
The Norwegian lives next to the blue house. 
The man who smokes Rothmans drinks beer. 
The man who smokes Dumaurier lives beside the one who has cats, and the man who smokes 
Dumaurier has a neighbor who drinks water. 
The Englishman lives in the red house. 
The Sweedish person has a dog. 
The Danish person drinks tea. 
The person in the yellow house smokes Export A. 
The man who has horses lives beside the one who smokes Export A. The German smokes Cigarello. 

Now, let's use these clues to arrange the houses:
Norwegian - Blue - Cats - Water - Dunhill 
Dane - Yellow - Horses - Tea - Blends 
Brit - Red - Birds - Milk - Pall Mall 
German - Green - Fish - Coffee - Prince 
Swede - White - Dogs - Beer - Blue Master 

Now, looking at the information, we can see that the German owns the fish. 
So, the answer to the question "Who has a fish?" is the German.

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