
Than or Then

Than: A word that is used  to make a comparison between two things or ideas. It often follows words like other, rather, less and more.
Then: A word that is used to indicate time or consequence. It can function as an adjective, adverb or noun.
By it was too late.
The heart sees further the head.
I was living in Toronto .
He walked towards her and he smiled.
A tattler is worse a robber.
Finish your test hand it in.
This question was harder the last one.
Some trains are faster some cars.
The sun rises it sets.
It was better expected.
Eating too much will cause pain.
She was the school principal.
Put your socks on first your sandals.
First the rain falls vegetation grows.
Turn right left.
I went to the cinema went home.
I like chips more peanuts.
I will sing I will dance.
The dog is smarter the crow.
It was that I remembered.