Are You A Good Listener?

Are You A  Good Listener?
A score of 80% to 100%:
You excel as a listener, often sought out by friends when they need to discuss problems, and you likely shine in social settings.

A score of 50% to 70%:
Your listening abilities fall within the average range.
Like most people, there are times when you listen attentively, but you may also find your mind wandering.
Remember, there's always room for improvement.

A score of 0% to 40%:
In all honesty, your listening skills could use some work.
You tend to zone out more frequently than you tune in.
Consider the following tips:
Dedicate yourself to becoming a better listener.
Educate yourself on the principles of active listening and put them into practice.
Identify any detrimental listening habits by reviewing the quiz items.

Read the book by Dr Thomas Gordon on active listening.


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