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Internet Marketing Tricks
N. Martin

It's a fact. Internet Marketers use "dirty tricks".
Although many of them won't admit to the fact. Still, it's the TRUTH!

Some of them may not even realize they're using them.
And some of them DO know. The latter half are the folks that are raking in the cash daily.

What IS a "dirty trick"? Well, that's easy.
It is a sly method used by people everyday to get a desired reaction out of another person.

Or at least that's my take on them. When you think of these words, you may think "rip-off", "unethical", or "illegal".

Let's get one thing straight right off the bat.
The tactics discussed in this report are
not illegal.
They are not unethical. They are not a rip-off.

But they ARE a bit on the "crafty" side. Crafty or not, the point is THEY WORK.
And if you're NOT USING THEM, then you're LOSING MONEY.

So, why did I call this collection of tactics "Dirty Internet Marketing Tricks" then?
Because they are psychologically "sneaky". They scream out. . .


And boy do they ever get that type of reaction. You bought this report, right? It caught YOUR attention, didn't it?
Whether you consider yourself the most honest person in the world, you still wanted to know what these so called "dirty tricks"
were, didn't you?
Maybe to arm yourself against them. Or maybe to even use them yourself.
The fact of the matter is, you are here, reading these words right now regardless of the reason.
You bought a copy.

And really, it's simply a matter of human nature. People always want to know the dirty secrets that others seem to be hiding.
Why do you think all those "rag mags" sell so well?
Sure, you probably know that most, if not all of the stories published are a load of tripe.
But you still want to read it. Even if it's just to prove to yourself   you were RIGHT and it's nothing but a pack of filthy LIES.

Dirty trick I know. That's the point! And that's just what you're going to learn inside this report.
How to do the exact same thing to bring you in more money.

Diving right in, we're going to discuss my #1 favorite dirty trick. . .


This has to be one of the BEST ways to generate sales.
Controversy creates two types of interest. Negative and positive.

And both forms of interest work together to make you profits. How exactly?

Well, let's do a quick example.
Person N and Person P.
Person P loves what you have written and can directly relate to what you have said. Person N on the other
hand thinks you're an obnoxious creep full of insane beliefs.
Both Person P and Person N comment on your writing.
They read each others comments and they are inflamed by those comments.
So, they begin a back and forth battle of words based entirely on what you had to say!
Now comes Person S, Person V, and Person C.
They add their two cents and take sides of who's right and who's wrong.
Then come more comments. And more, and more.

And if you're selling something that expands on your initial post, you'll get both those that hate what you had to say, and love it, buying your product.
The negative folks will want further proof that you're a total moron while the positive folks will want to learn more about what you are teaching, or saying.

Every single day, millions of folks hop onto the internet and have something to say.
Most likely they'll do this through writing. Whether it's through an article, an email, or a blog.
The "trick" is to make what you discuss controversial through your writings.

Don't be BORING. That won't do a thing for you. The essence of creating controversy is by using passion.
If you've had a bad experience with another
person, tell people about it.
If you really love a particular product, or person, tell
people about it.
But be sure that your writings can convey the passion that you feel
whether it's negative or positive.

If you are effectively creating controversy through your writings, most people that read it will either love what you have to say or hate it. Either way, they'll TALK ABOUT IT.
And if you give them a chance to communicate how they feel about
it, this will lead to more profits in your pockets!

But, in order to use controversy you have to be willing to take a stand on a certain topic.
No "wishy-washy" comments will do.
If you make people angry, GOOD!

But don't back down on your opinions though. That defeats the purpose of using this tactic completely.
If some people don't like what you're saying, who cares??

At least you had the guts to stand up for what you believe and say it.
And that's the
point that will come across to those that love your writings.

I KNOW FOR A FACT this works. I do this for a living!
I use controversy in in my writings and make immense profits from the dust I stir up.
Some folks hate
me. Most folks love Me!. The love-hate factor doesn't really matter though.
DOES matter is that people are reading what I have to say.
And they are

Another terrific example I use...
I taught a partner I know to create controversy
through the amount of money he charges for products he sells.
He lets his readers
know that he is directly responsible for pissing other marketers off by charging extremely low prices for their products to his customers. And it works!
earning good money from using controversy!

The whole idea of this tactic is to speak your mind, send off a spark, and watch it build into a roaring flame.

Dirty Trick #2: THE "SHOCK" TACTIC

I'm sure you've heard the term "shock value" before. Well that's what this tactic is all about. Shocking your readers or customers.
Some folks will use foul language
to shock their readers. Some will use incredible stories.
And still others will tell
them how they have made huge mistakes.

How many times have you heard or seen these:

Or something similar. Those get your attention don't they? Sure they do! And
that's why they get used. They suck you in and make you want to keep reading.

Let's be honest here. If you can't do a simple thing like generate more interest in
what you're selling, then you won't make any money. Simple as that.

People, despite what they might say, want to be successful at one thing or another in life. And they want to be the best at it.
If they feel they can better their own
lives through your tragedy all the better.
That's one less person they have to
compete with!
Plus, they won't feel stupid by making that same mistake. Even

Use this tactic sparingly though.
Too much can turn off your prospects and have
them hunting for their answers some where else.

Dirty Trick #3: THE "SCARE" TACTIC

Yes, it's possible to scare your potential customers into taking action.
This is
particularly useful if your topic relates to health, money, or love. I mean really, who wants to be sick, poor, and alone?
Hmm. . .I don't see any hands raised.


Fear can be your greatest salesman. Truly. Think about it.
When the 9/11 tragedy
rocked the nation, how many jerks do you think made money from it? A LOT.
sad, but true. They scared the crap out of people and sold them gas masks in case of a toxic gas epidemic.
I think it's disgusting myself, but like people say, someone
has to shovel the shit.

And shovel it they did.

Not only them, how about all the other bastards out there that made money by selling t-shirts, bumper stickers, and all that other useless crap?
Yeah, maybe they
gave a portion of their profits to the families affected, but I can almost bet it was a very tiny fraction of their overall take.

Am I saying take such a devastating event and work it to your advantage? GOOD LORD NO!
That IS completely unethical. What I'm saying is that you CAN use
the fear factor to make people take action.

Say, for instance, you're trying to make some money by selling an ebook about how to protect your computer from malicious viruses. Wouldn't you want it more, if you were selling it to yourself, if you knew what kind of catastrophe could occur to your computer if you ignored such useful information?
What if you ran your
business from your computer and it went kaput on you?
Wouldn't you want to save
yourself thousands of dollars just by spending twenty?

That's the idea behind this dirty trick. Use your customers fears, ethically of course, and you can generate more profits.

Dirty Trick #4: THE "CCL" TACTIC

Mmm. . .Bet you're wondering what this one is, huh? Well, CCL in this particular instance stands for Could Care Less.
And this tactic is one heck of a doozie!

A classic case of CCL would be a sales page that tells that you are better than anyone.
You are  rich and they aren't.
Basically, you are a winner and they are a loser.

You can do the same thing. You don't have to be that extreme if you don't want to.
Why not try easing into this little trick by letting your customers know that if they decide not to buy your product, then it will be their loss and not yours.

This "jerky" tactic works so well in fact that there are dozens of "spin-off" products springing up every single day.
You don't have to be a total jerk, but
acting like you don't give a damn whether someone buys your product or not can pay off for you.

Dirty Trick #5: THE "NO PRICE" TACTIC

Ever been to a place that sells products without an actual price tag on them?
I don't
mean a mistake, but something that purposely doesn't have a price listed somewhere.
It always reminds me of "If You Have To Ask How Much It Costs,

Then You Can't Afford It Anyway". Not so of all products.

The reality is that if your product generates enough positive interest, then your customers will click the order link just to see how much it costs.
And if it's
something that offers just the solution they're looking for, they'll pay for it.

This tactic can have either a positive or negative effect, depending on how much your product is going for.
If it's something that is less than your customer thinks
it's worth, they'll fork over the dough.
If not, well, they'll have to think it over first.

Maybe they'll buy. Maybe they won't. But at least they're giving it thought.

Not to worry though. Sometimes it takes more than seven times for a person to actually purchase a product they really want.
Leaving the price of your product a
mystery can generate enough curiosity to lead to an otherwise fruitless sale.

I recommend use of this dirty trick only if your particular product has a high selling success rate.


Word of mouth is a very powerful thing. Thus we come to this dirty little trick.
Using a positive reinforcer like a testimonial can make the difference between getting a sale or just getting a "tire-kicker".
After reading what a few other happy
customers have to say, others will be more inclined to think more positively about your product.

But, how do you get such testimonials? You ASK for them!
A good way to get
testimonials is to do a "pre release" of your product and offer a free copy of it for those that will give you a good testimonial in return.
That's how many salesman do
However, this can also have a negative draw back, especially in certain internet
marketing circles.

On the same token though, how many of your customers do you think are actual internet marketers who know about this sly tactic? Well, it depends on what you're selling, but if you're selling a recipe ebook, then the fact that you got your testimonials by offering a free copy of your ebook won't matter to your potential customers.

All they care about is getting a product that has good recipes in it.
They don't care
if Mr. Johnny Big-Shot Marketer knows how you got those words of praise.
Besides that, you can always ask your customers how they liked the product to get "genuine" testimonials.
I say "genuine" because some people believe that
testimonials received from a "freebie" are skewed somehow to shed positive light
on your product.
If you have a good product, then whether you are getting the
testimonials from a free copy receiver, or a paying customer won't make any
They'll be the same. . .POSITIVE!

Dirty Trick #7: THE "WIIFM" TACTIC

This is an interesting trick. Some internet marketers may not consider this a "trick" per say.
First, let me tell you what WIIFM stands for. This stands for “What's In
It For Me”.
And it is simply one thing your current sales page CANNOT afford
to be without.

Anybody who buys anything always wants to know how this purchased product will benefit THEM.
They don't care about what it will do necessarily. Rather what
it will do for THEM is the key point.

People are selfish by nature. Especially online.
They don't care about you, or what
you're trying to accomplish.
They only care about themselves. It's harsh, but it's
also true.

I can guarantee you this. . .No matter what internet marketing training course you take, article you read, ebook you buy, they will all tell you the same thing when it comes to making a great sales letter, telling your customers
What's In It For

Don't make your sales page about YOU. NO ONE CARES! Most of your visitors will skip that part anyway.
They don't want to hear about YOU.
Even if it's the
most interesting story in the world.
They didn't come to your sales page to read
about how interesting your life has been.

They came there to SPEND THEIR CASH. Don't distract them by writing your life story.
Save that for your personal page.
Get to why they should buy your
product because it will do x-y-z for them.

Another thing you will commonly hear from internet marketers that have been on the scene for a while is this: List Benefits, Not Features. Pretty much they're saying the same thing in a different way.
Look at it like this, who freakin' cares if
your "widget" comes in 3 sizes and 5 fabulous colors?
What you REALLY need to
be telling them is how they can order a customized version of your product to fit their lifestyle.
See the difference there?

You've told them the SAME thing, but in a way that will directly benefit THEM.
Selling isn't about YOU, it's about THEM. You aren't trying to sell something to yourself you know.

This dirty trick can, and should be, used on anything and everything you sell!


The countdown tactic creates a sense of urgency for your customers.
It makes
them believe that they will be missing out on a great deal if they don't take immediate action.
This trick is used mostly for "special" sales. But can also be
used on a normal sales page or article.
Although, if not used properly can reduce
your credibility with your customers, or visitors.

That means. . . . .


If you're running a special 5 day only sale, by all means make it clear to your customers so they don't miss out.
Use the time constraint to your profiting

Different methods are used to get this across to your customers.
You can use the
"highlighter" trick. It's exactly like using a highlighter marker to highlight an important bit of text in your favorite book. You're just using it "virtually" instead.
It's simple to do. Here's what you need to put in your HTML code to highlight your text:

<span style="background-color:#FFFFCC;">Offer Ends In The Next 72

And this will create a yellow "highlighter" style background color on the text that
is in between the two <span> tags. The two most popular colors for the text itself
is either Red(#cc0000) or Black(#000000). And the text should be bold and a bit
larger than the rest, just to be sure it really stands out :-)

Another way is to use an actual "countdown" javascript.
This will show your
customer exactly how much time they have left to get in on your special offer.

Any way you slice it, using the countdown tactic WORKS to provoke a quick call to action by your customers.

When people believe they will truly "miss the boat" on a great offer, they'll pony up the dough.
And FAST too! That's what makes this dirty trick a serious profit

This dirty trick is recommended for use only when you are really running a time sensitive offer.

Dirty Trick #9: THE "REVIEW" TACTIC

Who doesn't like reading product reviews BEFORE they spend their hard earned cash?
The secret to the success of this dirty trick is to get your visitors, or
customers, interested in the product that you're reviewing so they will, at the very least, go to that product's sales page to read more.
Or hopefully, buy it. That's your
goal. To get them interested enough to get to the sales page and BUY.

One thing you can NEVER do when writing a product review is LIE. If you don't like a particular product, say so. If you love it, say so.
But never try and be
dishonest just to make a quick buck. It's not worth it.
Once you ruin your
reputation, you can never get it back.

And, you should always inform your readers, visitors, or customers of where you think they should be plunking down their money.
Using reviews is a super way to
do this without sounding like a total ass-monkey.
They'll appreciate you for your
honesty, and maybe potentially saving them unneeded hassle or wasted cash.

Only use this dirty trick if you have something HONEST to say about a particular product.
Stand behind what you say and don't go back on it. Unless the product
owner/author totally flakes out.
That's the only acceptable time to do a review


And last, but certainly not least, we have the get personal tactic. Some marketers frown upon this, but personally ;-) I don't.
You should try to add a little of yourself
in all your writings.
It helps your readers, visitors, customers, understand that you
are a REAL human being and not just some automated email system spitting out a bunch of pre-formatted text.

Talk to your readers, visitors, customers. Let them know you are there for them.
And above all, don't be afraid to BE YOURSELF.
There's no reason to be
anything else. You won't be able to befriend every single person, so don't try to!

Some people will love you. Some people will hate you. It's just the way life works.

Now, don't get the wrong idea about this little tactic and start revealing your entire life story. Nobody wants to hear that.
But, if you have an interesting short tale that
may have happened to you that actually ties in to what you are talking about, then
fit it in there.
Don't make the whole writing a story about YOU. It's unnecessary
and non-beneficial to you or your customers.

Save that for your autobiography. As awesome as you may think you are, not everybody wants to hear about it.
Don't take it personally, it's just human nature.

Use this dirty trick to add personality to your writings. But use it wisely.

All these dirty tricks have one major thing in common. Can you guess what that is?


To sell something successfully, you have to create curiosity from your customers to want to learn more about what you're selling.

These dirty tricks work. They do.
Give them a chance and see if you don't find at
least one that will have a positive effect on your profit margin.
