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Stieg Larson's books are enormously popular.
Trying to emulate his style, an unknown female author has already written six books featuring Ponzi schemers, strange pets and exotic locations.

Ponzi schemers  = Alonzo, Dick, Jack, Konga, Pascuale, Rock
Strange pets = Macaw, Snow macaque, Squirrel monkey, Tamandua anteater, Mona guenon, Wallaby
Locations = Tahiti, New Guinea, Panama, Cornwall, Tibet, Bali

Hints :
-The author's first book, which is set in Panama, features Konga but not the mona guenon.
-The tamandua anteater is the pet of Sour Sendoff.
-The macaw finds a friend in the author's sixth book.
-As soon as the author ceased writing about Jack's escapades in Bali, she began Dick's adventure in Cornwall.
-Sour Puss was penned sometime before the book featuring the snow macaque, which was written sometime before    the book set in Tahiti, which was written sometime before the book featuring the wallaby.
-The author's second book is Sour Dough.
-Rock finds his strange pet in Sour Grapes.
-New Guinea is the setting for Sour Cream.
-The two novels that feature the squirrel monkey and Jack weren't written consecutively in either order.
-The animal of Sour Smell isn't the Wallaby.
-The man the wallaby loves is neither Alonzo nor Jack.

Question :
Can you find the order in which she wrote her six books, and match each with its schemer, pet, and setting?

See answer

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