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Money Jar


Answer :
0 pennies, 3 nickels, 21 dimes, 31 quarters.

AI says
There are a total of 55 coins that total $10 in value
We know there are fewer:
   * Pennies than nickels
   * Nickels than dimes
   * Dimes than quarters

 Let's define variables for the number of each coin:
   * p = number of pennies
   * n = number of nickels
   * d = number of dimes
   * q = number of quarters

   * p < n
   * n < d
   * d < q
   * p + n + d + q = 55 (total number of coins)

 Let's write equations for the total value:
   * p pennies x 1 cent per penny = p cents 
   * n nickels x 5 cents per nickel = 5n cents
   * d dimes x 10 cents per dime = 10d cents
   * q quarters x 25 cents per quarter = 25q cents
 The total value is $10 = 100 cents

 Substituting in:
    p + 5n + 10d + 25q = 100

Solving this:
   * If q = 25, then d = 15, n = 10, p = 5
   * And p + n + d + q = 5 + 10 + 15 + 25 = 55

Therefore, the number of each coin is:
* Pennies: 5
* Nickels: 10 
* Dimes: 15
* Quarters: 25

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