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Ice Fishing

Ellery - Ottawa River -  Super Sonic lure - 3m
Réjean - CGCC (hole 17) - Flatfish lure - 4m

Marcel - Clayton Lake - Pinkie Minnow lure - 2m

Wilf - Gray's Creek -  Wilson's Snipe lure - 5m

AI answer

Let's analyze the given clues one by one:

Clue 1: Réjean fishes on hole 17 at the Cornwall GCC with a Flatfish lure and a fishing line shorter than Wilf's, who does not fish at Clayton Lake with a Super Sonic lure.
This implies:
Réjean fishes at Cornwall GCC, hole 17.
Réjean uses a Flatfish lure.
Réjean's fishing line is shorter than Wilf's.
Wilf does not use a Super Sonic lure at Clayton Lake.

Clue 2: The fisherman using the Pinkie Minnow lure, who is not Ellery, uses a fishing line shorter than 4m.
This implies:
The Pinkie Minnow lure is used by someone other than Ellery.
The fishing line for the Pinkie Minnow lure is shorter than 4m.

Clue 3: Ottawa River is fished with a fishing line longer than 2m.
This implies:
At least one fisherman fishes on the Ottawa River.
The fishing line used on the Ottawa River is longer than 2m.

Clue 4: Wilf does not like the Pinkie Minnow lure.
This implies:
Wilf does not use the Pinkie Minnow lure.

Clue 5: Ellery uses a fishing line shorter than 4m but does not fish on Gray's Creek or Clayton Lake.
This implies:
Ellery's fishing line is shorter than 4m.
Ellery does not fish at Gray's Creek or Clayton Lake.

Now, let's combine the information from the clues:
Réjean fishes at Cornwall GCC, hole 17, with a Flatfish lure and a fishing line shorter than Wilf's.
Wilf does not use a Super Sonic lure at Clayton Lake.
The Pinkie Minnow lure is used by someone other than Ellery.
The fishing line for the Pinkie Minnow lure is shorter than 4m.
At least one fisherman fishes on the Ottawa River.

The fishing line used on the Ottawa River is longer than 2m.
Wilf does not like the Pinkie Minnow lure.
Ellery's fishing line is shorter than 4m.
Ellery does not fish at Gray's Creek or Clayton Lake.

Based on this information, we can conclude the following:
Pinkie minnow lure

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