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USA Presidential Race

USA flag
Answer :
George W's pillow is red, Billy C's is yellow,
Sarah P's is green, Barack O's is blue, John M's is black, and Joe B's is brown

Bunk beds from nearest to the bathroom to the farthest :
George W on the top bunk, Barack O on the bottom;
Billy C on the top bunk, John M on the bottom;
Sarah P on the top bunk, Joe B on the bottom

AI answer

This is a fun puzzle! Here’s the solution:

  1. George W and Barack O share the first bunk bed, which is closest to the bathroom.
  2. The color of the pillows on the bottom bunks all begin with the letter “b”.
  3. Billy C’s pillow is green.
  4. George W’s pillow is red, which begins with the same letter as the party he represents (Republican).
  5. The order of the bunks from left to right is: George W and Barack O, Joe B and John M, Sarah P and Billy C.
  6. Joe B and John M share the middle bunk bed.
  7. Sarah P shares the last bunk bed with Billy C.
  8. John M’s pillow is black, and Joe B’s pillow is brown.
  9. The brown pillow is at the end of a row, which means it is Joe B’s pillow.
  10. The black pillow is below the yellow pillow, which means John M’s pillow is yellow.

Here’s a summary of the color of each candidate’s pillow, the order of their bunks, and who are bunk mates:

Candidate Pillow Color Bunk Bed Order Bunk Mates
Barack O Red 1st George W
George W Red 1st Barack O
Joe B Brown 2nd John M
John M Yellow 2nd Joe B
Sarah P Blue 3rd Billy C
Billy C Green 3rd Sarah P

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