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Answer :   3 persons

AI says
This appears to be a classic puzzle.
To solve it, you need to think about how to maximize the use of the resources (food and water) for the entire group during the six-day trip.

If one person can carry enough food and water for four days, and the trip is planned for six days, the first person will run out of supplies before reaching the destination.
However, if additional people join the trip, they can carry extra supplies to extend the journey.

Let's break down the plan:
1. The first person starts with enough supplies for 4 days.
2. On the fourth day, the first person meets a second person who has also been carrying supplies for 4 days.
3. The first person gives half of their remaining supplies to the second person. Now, the second person has enough supplies for 2 more days.
4. The first person now has supplies for 2 more days (half of the original 4 days).
5. On the sixth day, they reach the destination.

Now, let's calculate the total number of people needed:
- Person 1: 4 days of supplies
- Person 2: 4 days of supplies (provided by Person 1)
- Person 3: 2 days of supplies (provided by Person 2)

So, it takes three people to make the six-day trip, and the first two people return with one person having reached the destination.

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