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Answer :   12h00, 12kmh, 60km

AI says

Okay, let's go through this step-by-step:
1) He needed to arrive at 17:00 (5pm)
2) If he travelled at 15 km/hr, he would arrive 1 hour too early.
That means he would arrive at 16:00 (4pm)
3) If he travelled at 10 km/hr, he would arrive 1 hour too late.
That means he would arrive at 18:00 (6pm)
4) So he needs to arrive right in between 16:00 and 18:00, which is 17:00.

To figure out what time he left:
* He needs to travel for 2 hours (the time between 16:00 and 18:00)
* So if he needs to arrive at 17:00, he must have left 2 hours before that, which is **15:00 (3pm)**

5) The distance is the speed x time
* At 15 km/hr: Distance = 15 km/hr x 1 hour = 15 km
* At 10 km/hr: Distance = 10 km/hr x 1 hour = 10 km
* So the total distance is halfway between 15 km and 10 km, which is **12.5 km**

6) We know the total time to travel was 2 hours.
* And the total distance was 12.5 km
* So the speed was Distance / Time = 12.5 km / 2 hours = **6.25 km/hr**

In summary:
1) What time did he leave: **15:00 or 3pm** 
2) What distance did he travel: **12.5 km**
3) What speed did he travel: **6.25 km/hr**

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